• Faculty of Pharmacy
  • fak_farmasi@um.edu.my
  • +603-7967 4909

Do you have the itch to pitch?

Do you have the itch to pitch?

Are you dreaming about launching your own business? We have good news for you! Pitch-Perfect gives you an opportunity to connect with others and have the option to pitch your business idea!

What is Pitch Perfect?

Pitch-Perfect competition provides a platform you’ll need to learn, network and build your innovation and entrepreneurship skills. This event’s unique mission is to inspire you and teach you to dream big while remembering the importance of being agile within your career to conquer chaos! Even better, it gives you the opportunity to compete for up to RM1000 each in prize money for the selected 3 innovative business ideas to KICKSTART your business! So, register now and show off your business skills to us.

What do I pitch?

What do I pitch?

You can pitch ideas related to the following topics BUT NOT LIMITED to, that would benefit the UM community:

  1. food delivery drones
  2. creation of customised hand-sanitisers / creation of cosmetic products, e.g., lipstick, soaps, perfumes etc
  3. Bake-sales
  4. creating food and beverage innovations, e.g., a healthy fast food restaurant chain at the faculty, a juice/salad bar
  5. selling vitamins and mineral supplementation
  6. shawl/clothes
  7. fitness coaching
  8. house plant sale
  9. painting/poster sale
  10. handmade souvenirs


You must be a registered undergraduate pharmacy student at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Malaya to apply.

The prize will be “seed money” to spin-offs/up-scaling/start-ups the idea. Your business budget proposal should be capped at RM500-RM1000.

How do I apply for the competition? 

How do I apply for the competition?

  1. Submissions for this round of awards will close at midnight on 1st September 2022. Applications submitted after this date will not be considered. 
  2. Please submit your registration here : Pitch-Perfect FOP Registration & Application Form
  3. The shortlisted proposals will attend and deliver a 5-minute pitch live in front of a panel of judges.
    Please use this template : Pitch Live Template
  4. All finalists will join the live pitching event on 31st October 2022.

Last Update: 27/06/2022